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The Fastest Way To Learn The Times Table: Times Tales Reviews

Do you want to help your children learn their times table? For kids who struggle with rote learning, there is another way!

Even those who don’t mind repetitive learning can benefit from this method of learning via visual storytelling. It’s called Times Tales and you’ve got to check it out!

Times Tales Review

Watch this video to get a brief look at what the method of memorizing the times table is all about, then I’ll explain it more below!

Times Tales tells tales about the times table!

Each equation in the times table has a corresponding story. These simple stories told in video are extremely memorable and are presented in multiple stages to ensure they are internalized.

While learning Ancient Greek at university, a friend and I employed a similar method to help memorize vocabulary. For each new vocab word we came to, we would create a ‘memory-hook’.

For example, the Greek word Pino (πίνω) means ‘I drink’. We would remember this along the lines of, ‘Pino is a type of wine that I drink’. Before long you don’t even need to remember the story, the answer comes to you immediately.

Times Tales uses the same method to teach children their times tables.

Times Tales Examples

educents times tales

Here is an example taken from their video on the upper 9’s times tables. The screenshot is a little unclear, but it says, ‘There were two treehouses. The first treehouse grew 8 apples and the second grew only 1 apple.’

You will of course notice the treehouses are shaped like the number 9. The sum they are learning from this story is 9×9=81. However, don’t think that showing the story on a page like this is all there is! There are fully animated characters telling the story and reinforcing it in stages. It reminds me a bit of AILA Sit And Play which is an interactive learning device for preschoolers.

We recommend you watch the following complete video on how Times Tales works as they teach 6×9, 7×9, 8×9, and 9×9!

You will see how engaging and effective this method is – plus children love the stories!

You may think that there are a ton of stories to learn if you are doing this for every times table equation – that’s what I thought at first!

But as you will have seen, the goal is to take the child from learning the story to knowing the equation. The story is a memorization technique that is especially good for kids!

Who Is It Good For?

Children will start to learn their times tables from a range of ages and stages.

Some children will be ready to start earlier and others later. Schools usually begin this around age 8-9. Homeschoolers, being more advanced (?) will be ready sooner. They should be able to conquer our Owl Babies counting activity first!

Anyone can use Times Tales to good effect:

  • homeschoolers
  • children going to public or private school
  • kids with learning difficulties (dyslexia, dyscalculia)
  • kids struggling with math, or those who are confident
  • teachers for use in classrooms

To be honest, my times table skills were a little rusty, and I was helped by listening to episodes of Times Tales!

How Much Does It Cost?

Times Tales has a wide range of products, not just relating to the times table!

The Multiplication Mastery Bundle is all of the math products in one bundle. It comes with the option of getting DVD versions of the times table memorization videos, or rather to just stream them.

The bundle costs $82.95, but if you’re lucky you will find it on sale when you click through. We are unaware of any Times Tales coupons at this stage, but will update this if we hear of any!

Other Times Tales Products

Not only does Times Tales produce amazing resources for teaching children how to memorize the times tables, but they also sell other great educational resources as well!

They have a good selection of reading and writing material, even cursive writing resources! There are physical products that will be shipped out to you, or printable worksheets and products that you can instantly get access to.

Life Skills resources are another line of products that Times Tales provides. They cover everything from cleaning your bedroom to teaching about credit cards. It’s all worth taking a look at!

Times Tales Reviews

Overall, we’re really happy with the product and believe it will be very helpful for a lot of kids. It won’t be for every child – as nothing is, we’re all different – but for many children, this method just clicks.

We recommend you give it a go. They have a 30-day money-back guarantee for those who find the products don’t suit their family – you’ve got nothing to lose.

Alongside other good math resources, like Jady Alvarez’s preschool math and Math Lessons For A Living Education, your kids will have it covered!

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